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Triple S


For over 25 years, the Triple S Scheme has been providing South Australian public sector workers with a range of benefits to enjoy.




Investment options


The Triple S Scheme offers a range of investment options for our members to choose from. Each option is designed to achieve different investment objectives putting you in control.

The Balanced investment option is the default option. However, this may not necessarily be the right option for you.

You can:
  • Choose one or a combination of investment options
  • Invest future contributions, and your existing balance, into different options

Learn more >




Most Triple S members will be provided automatically with Income Protection and Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD).

Income protection

You may receive up to 75% of your notional salary as income if you become ill or injured and are unable to work8. Premiums are deducted from your superannuation account balance.

Find out more >

Death and TPD

You have a choice in the level of your Death and TPD Insurance. Most members can increase8, decrease or cancel their Total & Permanent Disablement and/or Death Insurance at any time up until you’re 70. Premiums are deducted from your superannuation account balance.

Find out more >


Accessing your super


Transition to Retirement

If you’re approaching or have reached your Commonwealth Government age9, you may have considered how you’ll access your super.

Find out more >


Flexible Rollover Product

Consolidate your super and savings in a tax-effective environment. Further grow your super while you’re making decisions about your future.

Find out more >


Early access

If you need to access your super early due to difficult circumstances, you may qualify for an early release of benefit under financial hardship or compassionate grounds.

Find out more >


Frequently asked questions



    What does Triple S stand for?


    Triple S stands for the Southern State Superannuation Scheme. The Triple S Scheme has been the super scheme for South Australian Government employees since 1 July 1995.


    Can my partner or spouse join Super SA?


    At Super SA, we can open a Triple S account for your spouse (or putative spouse) if you’re an active Triple S member yourself.

    Making contributions to your spouse’s account could make a difference to both of your retirement savings, especially if your spouse is not working or on a low income. Find out more about eligibility here.


    What is a contribution split?


    A contribution split lets you split your employer and salary sacrifice contributions with your spouse10 - but only within the Triple S Scheme. You cannot split into other super funds.


    What happens if I’m a temporary resident?


    Temporary residents can be employed in the South Australian Public Sector and contributions will be directed to Super SA’s Triple S Scheme.

    If you held an eligible temporary citizen visa and are returning home on a permanent basis you are most likely able to claim your entitlement (New Zealand and Australian citizens are unable to claim their entitlement upon leaving Australia unless you have met other conditions of release).

    If you are 55 years of age or more and wish to claim your entitlement complete either of these forms:

    To claim your entitlement please complete these two forms:

    • Triple S Withdraw Your Super form, and the
    • Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) online application, available on the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website.

    Return the Triple S Withdraw Your Super form and include proof of identity11 to Super SA. 

    You are only able to claim your entitlement once you have left Australia and your benefit can only be paid once Super SA has received confirmation from the Australian Taxation Office or Department of Home Affairs that your application has been accepted.

    Different tax rules apply to amounts paid as a result of DASP claims.


    What are your super entitlements with the Triple S Scheme?


    Moving on

    If you take a Targeted Voluntary Separation Package (TVSP) your entitlement will depend on your age.

    Under 55

    If you are under 55, you can either:

    Further information on your options can be found in the Triple S PDS.

    You may also claim your super if you held a temporary resident visa and have permanently left Australia10.

    Over 55

    If you are over 55 you have the following options for your super balance:

    It’s important you are aware that your Co-contribution Account and any part of your Rollover Account that was subject to preservation before it was rolled into Triple S will still be subject to Commonwealth Government preservation rules. This means that, depending on your age and circumstances, you may have to wait longer to access this portion of your entitlement.

    Before claiming your entitlement you should consider the benefits of investing in the Super SA Income Stream, so that your money can keep growing as you transition to and throughout your retirement.

    You should also consider getting some professional financial advice to help you make the right decisions for your circumstances.

    What happens if I retire?


    Moving on
    If you resign from the SA public sector before age 55 (50 for police officers) you have the following options for your account:

    You can either:

    You may also claim your super if you held a temporary resident visa and have permanently left Australia.

    Further information on your resignation options can be found in the Triple S PDS available below.

    It’s important you're aware that your Co-contribution Account and any part of your Rollover Account that was subject to preservation before it was rolled into Triple S will still be subject to Commonwealth Government preservation rules. This means that, depending on your age and circumstances, you may have to wait longer to access this portion of your entitlement.

    If you choose to preserve your super in Triple S, it will remain preserved until you claim your entitlement. At age 55, you can claim your Triple S preserved entitlement10, however access to any amounts subject to Commonwealth Government preservation rules remains governed by those rules.

    You should complete either a Transfer your super form or Withdraw your super form within 3 months of resignation to inform Super SA of your decision.

    Regardless of your age or when you resign, your preserved entitlement can be rolled over into a complying super fund, like the Super SA Flexible Rollover Product, at any time.

    You should also consider getting some professional financial advice to help you make the right decisions for your circumstances.


    How is Super SA Protecting Your Super?


    In response to the Commonwealth’s Protecting Your Superannuation (PYS) Package, Super SA has introduced a number of measures aimed at protecting low-balance accounts from being eroded by fees, and helping you keep track of any inactive or lost super. 

    Learn more about Super SA's response to the Commonwealth’s Protecting Your Superannuation (PYS) Package here.


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